Friday, August 30, 2013

Do Not Play With Your Purse!

Hello Everyone!
Our first graders have met David, of "David Goes to School" fame, and Chrysanthemum, from her own self titled book, and finally they got to meet Lilly, from Kevin Henke's book, "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse."  Kids love Kevin Henke's book characters, and Lilly is no exception.  They fall in love with that cute little mouse and soon realize that she has a bit of a naughty side to her.  We learn so much about respect, school leaders, citizenship, etc, through Lilly.
After reading and talking about the messages in the story, the kids wrote down what they thought was the most important  thing they will remember. 

After a couple of other reader's response activities, the kids had the opportunity to make their very own movie star glasses.  Lilly would have loved them!!

Now, off to school!!  Stephanie's Ponytail awaits!! :)
Have a great day!! And remember, do not play with your purse!! :)


  1. I love what your kiddos did with Lily! Thanks so much for sharing your file! It is SO NICE that someone shares still! Thanks again and I can't wait to use this!


  2. Thanks soooo much for sharing these ideas! I have used the David things last week. My guidance counselor and I are going to co-teach Chrysanthemum. My 11 year old daughter drew us a big Chrysanthemum for the students to ball up when she gets picked on. It is so good that I may have a hard time letting them wrinkle her up. I'm printing off the Lilly things to do this coming week too. What did you do with Stephanie's Ponytail? I love that book.


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