Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sometimes It's the Little Things

Hello Everyone!
Just a quick post today about something small! A "Q" with a heart around it!  It always amazes me how something so small can make a difference in the quality of my kids' work.  At the beginning of the year we talk about the difference between work that is done with care (and with our personal best in mind) and work that is done carelessly. Work done with care will be quality work!  I have a little mini poster displayed that reminds the kids and me that "I Love Quality Work." I often will add that little symbol of a Q with a heart around it while checking written work. My kids love to see that!!! 
On Monday I am going to add another component to this idea.  I had some little red heartshaped gems left over from a Valentine activity. After adding a Q to each of them, I am going to keep some handy for passing out to kids who are showing quality work on something I may not be grading (draft book, math tubs, some daily 5 activities, etc.).  I think the kids are going to love it!!

I Love Quality Work!
click here for your mini poster printable

Kids love to see it on their work!

Tangible Quality Work Symbols

Sometime it is the little things that make a big difference!

Thanks for taking a peek today! 
Enjoy the little things!

1 comment:

  1. It is those little things...and they seem to be the ones the kiddos love the most.

    We have helpful hearts. These can also be added for showing top quality work. But the best part is that the kiddos add them for each other.

    We have Our School Family bucket. We add heart beads for kind and helpful acts. At the end of the year, each kiddo gets to make and keep a heart bracelet. I tell them that even when they leave this School Family they can wear that bracelet and always remember how kind and helpful their heart is.

    Their work is much better because of this. Plus, I sometimes bawk, bawk at them if they try and hand my messy chicken scratch work. We talk about doing Top Quality work is being helpful to themselves and their brain. =)

    Heather's Heart


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