Hello Everyone!
Again, I have to apologize for my delay in posting. Two more weeks down and we are moving right along, stronger than ever! I wanted to post a little bit about how my writer's workshop is going. I must say that I am not doing things in the order that Lucy Calkins suggests in her new series for first grade, but she really does make the suggestion to use her units as guidelines. The kids and I have loved having a Writer's Toolbox and also a Workshop. I've posted about these already, but I want to share a couple of new things that we've put into our tool boxes.
I found a cute little play tool box at Target the other day and whenever we have something to add to our writer's toolbox, I put a little clue in it for the kids to guess.
We have added a few things to our Writer's Tool Box.
And the kids are rockin' the workshop!!
All these printables are available in my Writer's Workshop unit
Last week we worked hard on making sure our stories came from a small moment in our lives.
We call them our "pea" stories.
After reading Night of the Veggie Monster, and showing what the difference is between a pod story and a pea story, we of course had to check out some peas for ourselves! And then write our own pea stories!
(All but one little one wanted to try the peas!!-eating them, that is!)
We also worked on when to use capital and lowercase letters!
We made caps to remind us that caps go on the beginning of a sentence, names, and I.
I can't wait for writing every single day. Lucy Calkins has inspired me to be an inspiration to my students!! Thank you Lucy!!
Next week, with all of the testing we have going on, IStation, DRA, Spelling Inventories, Writing Samples, Accelerated Math Inventories, we will be having fun reviewing a lot of what we have done so far and enjoying some Johnny Appleseed. I have shared my Johnny Appleseed unit before, but I have beefed it up and decided to cover via review most of what we have worked on already. Take a quick peek!

Well, thanks for hanging on to the end of this post. I know it was long, but I hope it was worth it!! I love sharing what has worked for me in my classroom, and love giving anyone and everyone the chance to try some of these crazy ideas too! I get so many e-mails from new teachers, new to first grade teachers, home school teachers, parents, and teachers who just need some fresh ideas. It is my absolute pleasure to help out. In fact, you all inspire me to keep this little blog going. I guess I kind of think of firstgradewow as being similar to a food or style blog in that they give away recipes and tips for free. Why not give teaching ideas away for free? It's all for the kids!!! Right??
Anyway, thanks for taking a peek through this little first grade window. Hope you come back soon!
I love you all!