Yes, it's me. I survived the last week. It was parent conference and report card week. I think I figured out that I put in over 60 hours just at school. I 'm not sure how many hours at home, but you get the idea. Are you all in the same boat? Phew! Talk about feeling drained! Thank goodness for weekends. I was able to re-energize a bit, but having work to do to get ready for this coming week, there wasn't a whole lot of relaxation. (By the way...I looooove parent conferences! I love having time to sit down with parents and learn a little bit more about my little learners. Those insights are invaluable!!)
Anyway, I thought I'd do a quick post about one of the kids' favs from the week and share a couple of new things for this coming week. In math we worked our way through the Candy Corn Connection unit and practiced greater and less than with our candy corn crunchers. We also made our large candy corn shapes with the different ways to show a standard number. Here are a few pics.
This coming week in math we will introduce the concept of estimating to the nearest friendly or landmark numbers. This concept is so important for grasping even more number sense for our littles. If they can get the idea of landmark numbers, reasonableness during addition and subtraction computation will be made more evident. In first grade we work on estimating to landmark numbers of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20. (Some people call them "easy" numbers.) Once they can do that, our little learners can use what they know about landmarks to estimate to higher multiples of 10. I put together a little unit last year to help intro and practice this, but decided to update and add to it this year. The unit is "seasonal" but if you want, let me know and I can send you a generic version. Please e-mail me or leave a comment in the comment section of this post and leave your e-mail. Here are some pics.

So, everything I've talked about so far has been math. Next week in ELA we will enjoy a bit of Stellaluna, a bit of Splat, a bit of Runaway Pumpkin...and a little monster fun!
The monster fun will come in the form of a little poem, a little brainstorming, and a little hands on visual!!
I can't wait to do this little bit of monster fun!
If you would like the mini unit...
Well, gotta run. We've got Red Ribbon Week coming up, so prep for that need to get under way!! As well as some little sweet treats for my little monsters. October is crazy busy!!
So, till next time have a wonder-filled week and don't forget to giggle once in a while!!
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