Friday, December 6, 2013


Hello Everyone!
Oh No! Santa's stuck!!  This week we worked hard on discovering the problem in stories. Santa's Stuck by Rhonda Greene is a perfect book to enjoy that discovery.  We wrote about that problem and how the problem was solved and then worked to make a connection by putting ourselves in the story.  How would we help Santa if he was stuck in our chimneys? We practiced a fun song and then brainstormed ways in which we could help. 

I love some of the creative ways to help Santa!!!
We then put our thoughts down as a "reader's response" and added a hands on visual connection. 
They turned out great!!!  The kids are so prepared to find and help solve problems!!

Great job, kiddos!!!  It's good to know you've got Santa's back!!!
If you would like this song and the visual connection patterns, HERE!!! :) Quick before anyone gets stuck in your chimney!!
Till next time, stay warm everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Nancy, this unit is amazing! You are one talented lady! Thank you for sharing this! Bless you! Now, I know what I am going to do the week before break! :)


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