This coming week in math we will be introducing estimating using "friendly numbers." Introducing our little learners to this concept helps them make sense of the different things they will be doing in math in the next few weeks. It will help them make sense of quantities and will help them decide if computations (composing, decomposing, partitioning) are reasonable and accurate. In first grade we work on friendly numbers 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20. I have posted about this important skill before but have beefed up the unit a bit.
I have also included an activity for kids to practice the difference in the teen numbers and the numbers that are often mixed up with teens. More number sense!! :)
Here are a few pics from the 47 page printable download.

Hope you can use a few of these ideas. I'll be back later this week with some visuals for you!
Now, off to get my "fairy tale day" costume ready!! I can't wait to see the kids' costumes on Thursday as well!!
As always, thanks for stopping by! I love reading your comments, the positives as well as the constructive ones, so don't just read and run! :)
Hope you have a wonderful week!