Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hip Hip Hooray! It's the 100th day!

Hello Everyone!
The 100th day of school is quickly approaching!! First graders have been counting every day from the first day of school!  The number 100 is a very exciting number for our little friends!  There are so many activities you can do to celebrate 100.  If you haven't figured it out yet, I love to focus on one piece of literature or idea and design lessons around them that include our learning objectives for the week.  I have had a lot of fun putting together this unit which includes activities for inferencing, interpreting text, poetry, written expression, questioning, conceptual categories, adverbs, comparing and ordering numbers and place value, as well as some fun activities.  Here are a few pics from the unit.

for your copy of my 100th day unit, click here!! Hip Hip Hooray!

Our wonderful school will culminate the 100th day with a balloon release. Attached to the balloons are info cards so that anyone who finds a balloon can contact the school.  A great geography, weather, and communication project!!
Here are a couple pics from last year! Simply beautiful!!

Just a quick side note.  I received an e-mail the other day implying that I share too much, and that I should limit the "freebies" that I offer. WOW! Can someone share too much?  I promise that it is not my intent to infringe on those trying to sell products.  I truly don't even think my units compare to those that are for sale on various sites. (I find tons of typos on my stuff-ugh!- so unprofessional)  I truly enjoy creating lessons and sharing with those who are looking for another way to teach certain concepts. From the beginning of time teachers have shared with each other for the good of their students.  Should that change? What are the limits? Are there "rules" for sharing? Help!!  If I have offended anyone with my offerings, please accept my apologies! 
On the other hand, I have also received countless comments and e-mail messages of thanks from teachers, homeschoolers, parents, and even college professors who appreciate this blog and my work, and use what I offer as springboards for their own endeavors. YAY!!  That is exactly how I measure what I want to share.  
I am not sure which outweighs the other.  Please let me know via the comment section below, or e-mail ( what you are feeling.  My heart is sad for those who are suffering because of my sharing, but also rejoicing for those who can benefit. What to do????!!!
Sorry, this was a little more than a "quick side note!" 

Anyway, have a joyful weekend!!


  1. People who are offended by you giving units away for free are GREEDY!
    Honestly, teaching is about sharing, giving, and educating. It is NOT about making money. Thank God for people like you and shame on those that have the nerve to say things like that.
    I love you!

  2. Oh my gosh! I always wonder about the people who try to impose the "rules of blogging" on us. Really? What rules? I have NEVER seen a written set of bylaws for the blogging world or sharing world. It is a PERSONAL blog. It is your personal business what or how much you share or when or what you post. THEY have no say. No matter whom THEY are. I LOVE your units. I LOVE your posts and willingness to share. If I was a teacher in your building would you charge me for your work or would you just share? I'm willing to bet it is the latter. You are a help, inspiration, and blessing to many teachers, new and old. Carry on! :)
    First Grade @ Storybook Cafe

    1. Ooops I forgot to say thank you!
      Thank you!

    2. Tammy,
      Good point about how we share with teachers in our buildings! Thank you for your comments!!

  3. Remember that you will never please everyone and someone will find fault no matter what your intentions. You are a blessing to so many! Keep shining! Thank you for all that you do!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing! Cute activities!

  5. I love your stuff! To be honest I don't wanna buy stuff. If you love sharing go for it! I love that you share! My kids enjoy too! Thank you! People who are made are out for the money. That can't be the reason they became teachers.

  6. I agree with the above comments! It's your choice to either give away and share your ideas or whether to sell them. I have never heard of any rules about "freebies" on a personal blog that is not listed with TPT. I do know that TPT has said not to list too many with bloggers. You keep doing what you're doing! Your ideas are wonderful! What mean spirited people!

  7. I LOVE that balloon idea. Just pinned it! Thanks!
    Teaching With Style

  8. What a great post! I love the balloons too. It's your blog girl! Do your thing!
    Take Care!

  9. I think you're just fine. Keep doing what you're doing! :) I like that poem by the way.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  10. I agree with everyone's comments! I truly love your blog, not just for the freebies, but the wonderful ideas you have. By giving away your items for free and not putting prices on everything, I think that is wonderful that you are so willing to share with no strings attached. I think you should keep doing whatever pleases you! That should be what blogging is about :)


  11. I love your blog and I truly appreciate all of your freebies!

  12. I love that you share for free... I understand some people wanting to sell their units but that is their choice, if they are what I need I will still buy them. HOWEVER I don't think anyone goes into teaching for the money (if they did they are in the wrong profession) and it is so wrong of someone to tell you to be less generous, less willing to share, less of a contribution to the amazing network of sharing that teachers have created, just so that they can make a few bucks on a unit. Gosh. I understand people have spent time and money developing their units, and want some kind of compensation for that, and that is fine. Let them do that. That doesn't mean you have to. Believe me, you are not "hurting" anybody else. Everybody's units and resources are different and so they will still continue to get business. If someone's unit is for sale and it is what I need, I will still buy it. There are some sellers on TPT who have made over $20,000. I don't think they are hurting because you offer a few free units. UGH, people make me mad.

    1. Thanks so much for your thoughts!! You have such honest insights!!

  13. I'm a student teacher, and I LOVE bringing in fresh ideas. Awesome freebies are great for me, because I'm definitely not making any money. Thank you for doing what you're doing!

    1. Thank you and best wishes on your journey into this amazing profession!!

  14. I love your ideas and activities. Thanks so much for sharing them!!

  15. You do what feels right to you!!! There is no right or wrong in this - please don't take it to heart. Let's hope the people who emailed you were trying to help you out and not trying to make it better for themselves. This is YOUR "business" so you run it how you want :)

    ♥ Jen
    The Teacher's Cauldron

  16. Wow! Grrrr... You are such a kind giving person with GREAT teaching ideas! I am always impressed with your lessons and your sharing - It never even crossed my mind to be mad ?!?!?!?! I don't get it and DON"T let it change you. Thank you for all you do,

  17. Please keep sharing! We love your ideas!

  18. I love all of your ideas and activites, and I truly appreciate everything that you do! I really believe that teachers should share more! I share many of my supplies, and make so many things for my co-workers -- and I would definitely give away freebies online if I made anything half as cute as yours! Thank you!

  19. I agree with all of the comments above. You need to do what you want to do. If you don't want to commercialize or sell your ideas that is your business. For others to complain is for their own profit. Who would you rather profit from your ideas, a profiteer with their sales strategies or an eager teacher, parent, homeschooler, or college professor who wants to impart the love of learning?

    I love your blog. I look forward to every post. You are an inspiration and a role-model of an enthusiastic teacher to us all.

    Here's to joyfully enjoying the wonder-filled world of 1st grade thanks to YOU!

    PS your stuff is as good and even better than the for sale sites (they even have typos)

    1. Thank you, Angie!! We ARE all in this together...We shouldn't forget that!

  20. I appreciate how freely you share. Please don't stop.

  21. A few days ago I commented on one of your posts about how grateful I am that you offer freebies. I too, when I create..., offer freebies, not as awesome as yours, but free, nonetheless. I even have a folder on my Google Drive called WOW, so I know where to go for all of your goodies! Don't worry about what others say or feel, if sharing makes you feel good, then you do it. Thanks for what you do and I hope you continue to WOW our socks off!

    1. Thank you, Janine! I hope I've sparked some ideas for all who read my posts!! Blogging is not a competition to me. I simply love to share!! I guess you could say it is my life song!

  22. Your ideas inspire me!! You are amazing! Don't change a thing about you!!

  23. Your blog is fabulous and your freebies are GREATLY appreciated. Jealousy is an ugly mask for people to wear isn't it. There is so much out there to choose from I hardly think you are keeping someone's product from being purchased. You are just being an example of what teachers have been doing naturally for many many years.......sharing. THANK you for doing so!

    Cialini Chat

    1. I so appreciate your comments, Marybeth! That is exactly what I was saying!! that's what teachers do!! :)

  24. I really enjoy your blog and it wasn't the freebies that drew me here. Although I do appreciate your sharing of great ideas, I love your enthusiasm and passion for what you do. You can't sell that, it has to be authentic. And it's contagious.. That's what you are really sharing. and thank you for that too.
    Pauline at First Grade by the Sea

    1. Thank you, Pauline!! That is absolutely my intention!!

  25. I was not aware that someone could share too much. I and I know many, many others truly appreciate your ideas, pictures, and printables you share with us. I am sorry you received the negative e-mail (I hope there was not more than one). I hope you continue to share with those of us that appreciate you!!

  26. I love your big heart! All your posts make me so happy! You provide me with so many wonderful ideas for teaching my first graders! I think you are an incredible teacher and I visit your blog daily!!!

    1. Thank you, Donna! I've been teaching a long time and still have such a passion for creating engaging lessons for my sweeties!! I just don't want to stop!!

  27. I too agree with everyone's comments. I check your blog EVERYDAY because I'm so afraid I'm going to miss one of your amazing units! My state is one of the last to adopt common core and your units have helped me and my team tremendously!! It's so sad to think that people who share our profession could be so hurtful and rude! Aren't we teaching our little first graders to be loving, kind and accepting of everyone, even if they are different from us? That we need to be tolerant of others? That we may not share the opinions of others and that's ok? It's a sure sign if the world we live in today; people so blinded by their own agenda, greed and get rich quick schemes to see the good in others like you who have blessed soooo many!! God bless you always and continue to be the light that shines in our stressful world of teaching!

    1. Oh my goodness! I almost cried over your comments. I am so honored to call myself a teacher...your fellow teacher! Thank you!! Thank you for your reminders and inspiration!!

  28. Thank you Thank you Thank you for all you share!!! I am so appreciative of all you share. My students have been blessed by it! It is my first year in first grade and your willingness to share has been an amazing help!!! I check your blog everyday and LOVE to see what you are doing!

  29. Please continue to share - surely there are enough people in this world to support both sides. As an Australian I tend not to buy a lot of the units that I see as I have to modify them to suit our curriculum or the language etc so I would prefer to access free units that I can modify (and if I haven't paid for them I am happy to do this).
    The person who complained obviously was having a bad day as there are so many sites for teaching resources and while yours in the only one that I follow there are plenty that I have bookmarked that offer free resources.
    Please do not allow one person to stop what you are doing, while you are enjoying it and happy to share your brilliant resources there is at least one person who appreciates it!!

  30. I echo these sentiments...this is your blog you can do what you want. :-). You are being generous and no one should tell you to otherwise. Perhaps what they meant was to encourage you to sell your creations because they are wonderful. :-)

  31. Thank you so much foe sharing. I love the creativity of your lessons so please don't stop sharing. Think of how many more students you are able to reach. It stretches far beyond the walls of your classroom.

  32. There's been a lot of blogs lately talking about freebie size on TPT, which I sort of understand...the site owner is hosting the files and not making any money from them, but to tell someone not to offer freebies on their own site is ridiculous and none of that person's business! I do hope that person is reading these comments.

    In what other profession do people have to spend out of pocket to improve what they do? Do you think nurses have to buy the cute bandaids for their offices?

    Even if I buy something on TPT, I still pay for the color ink/cardstock to print it on, which adds up quickly. Therefore, when I find teachers willing to share so freely, it makes me happy.

    I am sorry you felt upset by someone's comments, but follow your heart. You have brought nothing but happiness to many of us.

  33. I have been a closet subscriber of your blog since I discovered blogging this summer! As a long time teacher with nearly all my years spent in primary grades, I have both benefitted from other teachers and had the opportunity to share my creations with them. Without our working together, our students would not have gained nearly as much as they have by our collaboration and sharing. Now that technology has opened up a way for us to share with a larger audience, what a wonderful blessing to all the children we attempt to reach, inspire and prepare for bright and generous futures!

    Your amazing creativity puts my measly efforts of years past to shame, so I wouldn't even consider having a blog. But I do SO appreciate your passion, your wonderful and fun ideas and how creatively you package them together using digital resources. I am very thankful, both for myself in observing the creative things you do with your little ones, and for new teachers coming into the challenging yet very important year of first grade. Your passion and creativity inspire, and the fact that you share resources with others is a great blessing to the whole teaching profession.

    I am glad that the same technology that enables you to share provides others the opportunity to earn some renumeration for their efforts if they choose to go that route. I have purchased some items from their stores on TPT, and will continue to do so when I find things that meet my needs there. BUT they have absolutely no right to tell others that they should not share without charging for their materials. You are to be commended, as over and over previous comments have shared, for your generosity and willingness to help other teachers and their students. It is sad (or perhaps a blessing in disguise--otherwise I might NEVER sleep!) that some other blogs seem to be no more than advertising for new products on vendor sites (and many of these not nearly as creative or results-oriented as what you offer out of your generosity and talent.)

    Please don't let the comments of some... whose motives may be less than admirable... deter you from doing what you love or sharing it with others. You're helping to make a difference in more lives than you can imagine. Blessings!

    1. Thanks so much for your sincere comments! I appreciate you!!

  34. Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch! I get your posts by email and almost every morning feels like Christmas to me. I lOVE getting your ideas and freebies. I also can just feel what a wonderful teacher you are and how blessed your students are to have you. Jealously is the root of many things and I didn't see the post but I would think they may be jealous of your talent. Your sharing to me makes you a true teacher! Most of us share with each other to benefit the children. To the rude poster: there is a little button at the bottom of the email or however she gets your post, it's called UNSUBSCRIBE. I am so sorry you received anything but positive comments. THANK YOU SO MUCH NANCY!!!!!!!!!

  35. Thank you so much,!!! We love your blog and your ideas and units. I want to be in your class lol :)

  36. By being generous and sharing your ideas you are touching children all over the world- what a wonderful gift! Thank you for your generousity and creativity. You make learning fun!

  37. I LOVE your blog and your materials! Your freebies are wonderful too! Frankly, I think you could sell them on tpt but I also understand that is something you don't want to do..........instead you joyfully share them with all of us on your blog! I appreciate it too! Also, I sell on tpt and I don't feel offended by anyone who offers freebies on their blogs! Sign me up for those freebies so I can have more ideas for my kiddos! I just strive to create things that I think others will like and earn some pocket change in the process! Don't change a thing!! Sure others may want to earn the money but you are sharing joy with all of us and our students!!

  38. I have been following your blog for sometime now. I love that you share your wonderful ideas! It amazes me how you create all these awesome resources! Your students are so lucky to have you as their teacher!

    I feel that many of the teachers selling products on TPT are now getting very greedy. It seems like the cost of the items that are being sold now keeps going up, up , up! Please don't let the meanness and greed of these teachers sway your heart.

    1. That is for sure.....prices are too high on most things.

    2. I totally agree!! TPT is great but many teachers on there have gotten very greedy. I feel like these teachers on TPT, if they truly cared about this profession and all children then why only let your students benefit from your wonderful resources? I think teaching is all about sharing and the more students we can reach out to and help the better our communites and world will be, right?

  39. Your posts and ideas have gotten me excited about teaching again! After two years of struggling to teach through scripted curriculums, I've finally taken the initiative to try new things, and inspire my first graders to think outside the box and be creative! All while learning to read, write and think like mathematicians!
    Thank you for sharing your ideas! They have inspired teachers all over the country, and therefore many more children!

  40. Many people are struggling just to make ends meet. A teacher who is just getting by, knows that you will be able to guide her and provide her with new ideas even if she doesn't have the extra money to spend on supplies.

  41. Oh my goodness gracious!! You are fantastic and an inspiration! Thank you thank you for sharing your beautiful ideas with the world. But I do wonder, "WHY isn't she charging for these gorgeous units!?!?" Yet, I am grateful you aren't! We can all tell you have a heart of gold and a love for teaching children and colleagues. THANK YOU!!!!!!

  42. I have been following your blog for a while now, and LOVE that you share things! I think it's wonderful that you're such a giving person to have all these great ideas for fellow teachers. can't really understand why anyone would object to that!
    Anne Klei

  43. Oh Nancy....your blog is my favorite because you share for free. Your wonderful work inspires me and I feel like you are my teaching buddy next door. Would you charge your colleagues next door????? I think your philosophy is to share from the heart.....I would do the same. Free stuff is great. Dont listen to the haters!!!!!!

  44. I recently found your blog and love it. I lobe that you post so many wonderful pictures (yes I am a visual learner) and that you are so willing to share your hard work. My students have recently loved your sneaky E guy. I also follow other blogs and purchase units so I don't understand the complaint. Please keep doing what you are doing and thanks.

  45. Thank you for sharing all your creative and wonderful resources. I subscribe to your blog and am always eager to see what new and creative lesson/unit you have created. I certainly appreciate you and your willingness to share. If you want to share your work for free, please keep on doing so. Don't let someone else determine what is best for you.

  46. All I can say is THANK YOU for all that you share with us! Your ideas are wonderful and have helped me come up with new and innovative ways to teach my own students. Please don't let one bad apple spoil all the wonderful things you do! You are a wonderful teacher and colleague and I am so glad to have your blog as part of my teaching resources!

    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  47. I hope all the comments that have been posted before mine have already made you realize how much your generosity and willingness to share IS appreciated and not to let any negative comments bring you down! I want to personally thank you for sharing your ideas, your units and most importantly your passion for teaching. I have recently returned to teaching after 10 years of staying home to raise my children and I love reading your blog. I have always believed that teachers are not only teachers but also learners...I have learned so many wonderful things because of you!

    If you are happy doing what you are doing, then continue with it!! No one has the right to tell you what you can & can't do; especially when your intentions are to share insights into your life as a teacher. I understand some people create units and charge a price for them - that is their choice to do so just as much as this is your blog and your choice to do what you what to do.

    Teaching is my passion and I spend hours reading blogs (yours being one I visit daily) so that I can learn, reflect and become a better teacher. Those with their heart & soul into the real meaning of teaching would never question your actions.

    Thank you again for being the wonderful teacher and fellow educator that you are. Have a Super Sunday and a wonderful week ahead!

  48. Thank you so much for your generosity! Your units are amazing and have been a blessing in my classroom. I don't believe there is such a thing as sharing too much! That is just ludicrous. But there is such a thing as selfishness and you my friend are far from it but that person who emailed you should actually take a lesson out of your book.

  49. Teachers helping teachers and learning from one another is what our profession is all about! I THANK YOU from the deepest depths of my heart for all you do to help me (and MANY others) grow professionally! Offering your ideas for free is a breath of fresh air.... please don't be discouraged. All of my TPT products are free too.... sometimes we should share just because we want to and because it makes our colleagues happy!

    Many, many thanks from a teacher who is blessed to read your posts!!

  50. I absolutely love when I see I have an email from First Grade W.O.W. I appreciate so much that you willingly share your ideas freely.

    I follow so many blogs on Google Reader and by email. Most of the emails I receive are now simply that person promoting their latest product - that is for sale.

    I really appreciate when people share their ideas freely - isn't that what educators do?

    Thank you so much for sharing!


  51. Hey Nancy! I follow a lot of bloggers for inspiration and creative help. My school currently doesn't have a curriculum because we have transitioned to common core. In other words, my weekends are spent researching and looking for ideas and best practices for the new CCSS. If I bought everything that those teachers put out there, I would be broke! Thankfully, there are still people like you who are still willing to share your ideas for free just as if you were across the hall from me! I love your units and I use them a lot to help expand my little firsties world. Don't let others try to sway you otherwise.

    1. Krissysue,We are across the hall from each other!! So to speak!! :) Thank you!!!

  52. I would just like to say thank you for your creativity, generosity, and willingness to share your work. Your blog is one that I visit frequently, and I truly appreciate all your work. My students absolutely love your Mystery 100s Chart Pictures. They also loved your word surgery unit last week. It was one of their favorite things. I truly appreciate your generosity as I am unable to make many purchases. Your units truly help me fill the gaps in my own curriculum (especially social studies and science where my text books are from 1991). Thankfully there are creative teachers like you who are willing to share your ideas for free. You help bring a lot of excitement to my classroom! Thank you for all you do!! You are amazing :)

  53. Bless you for touching the heart of what we do...TEACHER= The Sharer of Secrets!!! We don't sell our knowledge to those we teach and it is SO refreshing to find your blog which embodies this principle!!! Many of those who chided you probably feel guilt because THEY used to share their units freely and so they no longer have the joy you have by living out the truth "'tis better to give than receive"!!!

  54. I just want to thank you for your help. I agree teachers should share for the good of the children.

  55. I have emailed to thank you before for what you do and for sharing so kindly with all of us. I again want to thank you for your generosity.

  56. Oh Nancy! I love how God brings us to each other when we are needing it the most. I have gotten an email and comments like that before too! I hopefully believe this person is trying to help by letting you know how awesome your ideas and activities are! You COULD make tons of $ if you sold your awesomeness on TpT but you are making TONS of heartprints on all of the teachers and kiddos you are impacting.

    You are amazing and I am honored to know you and call you a friend. God is using your blog in such powerful ways. You remind me of the Ray Boltz song "Thank You"...especially when I think of the lyrics "Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed."

    This blog is a reflection of your heart and that is something you should not change because it is a beautiful gift from God.

    I love you TONS and am so thankful for this bit of teacher heaven we all love to visit. =)

    Blessings and hugs,

    Heather's Heart

    1. Heather, Your comments made me tear up!! You have such a way with words. Your heartprints are all over my heart!! thank you so much!!
      Blessings to you!!

  57. I absolutely appreciate that you are one of the few that continues to share your ideas for free! You have great activities that are easily added to enrich any lesson.

  58. Hi Nancy,
    I appreciate your freebies and encourage you to continue the good work. May God continue to richly bless you and your family.

    Thanks a million.

  59. Hi Nancy - I really appreciate all the creative ideas you share. I enjoy reading your blog and often use some of the ideas that fit into my classroom. I teach in a Canadian school so not all can be used and I teach grade one and two but I frequently look at your blog and think to myself what a creative teacher you are and how thankful I am that you share so willingly.

  60. I love all your things and have had so much fun using them in my classroom. I must say, I am always amazed and grateful when you are ALWAYS so willing to share your hard work with all of us! Thank you, Nancy!

  61. Dear Nancy,
    I am not even a first grade teacher, but I visit your blog every week. You have a "servant's" heart. Please continue to share. You have a gift and this is your way of letting your light shine. If I had the tech know-how I would be sharing everything I use in my 3/4 combination classroom. Thank you for all you do, it makes me want to teach in the lower elementary again.

  62. Dear Nancy,
    I was going to write yesterday and then I was going to send you a private email but I am so glad 80 people beat me to it. You are such an amazing and inspirational teacher. I feel I know you. I recently did a writing workshop and sang your praises. I have taught 29 years and love to still learn and do new "stuff". Yes, I buy a lot and I would buy your stuff in a heartbeat but if you want to share it...don't feel bad. Some of the young teachers and let's face it some of us old teachers can't afford to buy all the cute stuff that we want to buy :) So if you can inspire and help a struggling teacher out you should. I love your blog and would LOVE to visit your classroom. You are my inspiration!!! :) Happy Monday Suzanne in Oklahoma

    1. Thank you, Suzanne!! Your comments warmed my heart!!

  63. Thank you for sharing! I, in turn, share your wonderful ideas with our 1st grade teacher. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated!Terri in Missouri :)

    1. YAY, Missouri!! Terri, thanks for your comment!! HUGS to you!

  64. I stopped working early this year so your AMAZING freebies have been wonderful in supplementing our homeschool studies with my first grader! Thank you for all that you do and I appreciate it!

    1. thank you Cherie!! Blessing to you as you homeschool!!

  65. I feel very blessed to have come across your blog site. I just went back to teaching full time and your site has been so helpful. Im sick and tired of finding good ideas and then find out I have to pay $1 for something. i thank you from the bottom of my teachers heart for sharing your creative ideas!!!

  66. I just found your blog and I am loving it

    BOo to the meanies

    Your blog do you
    Pocket Full of Kinders

  67. As a first year teacher to first grade, your blog as been a true blessing! While I don't mind paying for certain things, I found some of the items that I had to pay for I didn't actually end up using anyway. What a waste! Your blog gives me creative ideas and helps me stay on top of what first graders are doing and what we can motivate them to learn! Love, love, love your creativity. To see your passion for teaching is amazing!

  68. I love all of your unit ! Thanks for sharing !

  69. I somehow missed this post over the weekend; I LOVE the units you post and am amazed with your generosity! Ignore the negativity and know that so many of us are appreciative of your units and the great ideas you are sharing with us!

    Learning is for Superstars
    My TPT Store
    LIFS Facebook Page

  70. I am saddened to think that someone should not share their great ideas. When did teaching become about the money? I am SO in awe of your wonderful ideas and how generous you are. YOU are the teacher next door that shares their stuff and has that great idea when you need one. You just happen to be thousands of miles from me! Please keep sharing what wonderful things your first graders are up to, the posts are showing how much we all appreciate your kindness! Thanks for all you do!

  71. I think it is so sad that someone had the nerve to email you and say you are sharing too much! How rude! Everytime I read this blog I am reminded how much I admire you for not only the sharing of ideas but the wonderful atmosphere your classroom must be for your students and how lucky they are to have you as a teacher! I have noticed that there are some blogs out there who think they are the "boss" of the blogging educational world! I am so glad they are NOT and that you are not being intimidated by them or their comments! Thanks for all you do for fellow educators and students!

  72. I think it is sad that so many people do not want to share their ideas and creations. Isn't that what teaching has always been about? I love your ideas and want to say thank you for being willing to share them with us! Ignore those negative folks! Lynnette L

  73. I just told a friend of mine this afternoon about your amazing blog that is full of developmentally appropriate plans, creative ideas, and fun activities. You inspire me and motviate me. You truly are a blessing to many teachers and students. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being willing to take the time to share so much of what you do.

  74. Thank you, so, so, so much for sharing! I am grateful and thankful for someone like you that has so much generosity. Your materials are amazing and I love using them with my students. Thank you again.

  75. I would like to THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing! I ADORE your lessons an think you are an awesome teacher. I wish I could send you a treat for sharing. You sure do deserve it! I don't know any other person who would be so generous! THANK YOU!!! I beg you to continue sharing you BRILLANT ideas and so do my students!!! THey always ask what's new on FIRST GRADE WOW!

  76. I am very grateful that you share! I'm sorry to hear that others are giving you a hard time...maybe they forget what it was like to share since so many are intent on selling, selling, selling.

  77. I think your stuff is wonderful and I love that you are so generous. I wouldn't let negative comments get you down. Some people will always be jealous of greatness:)
    First Grade and Fearless

  78. I think is is so amazing that you share and can't believe that people are sending you negative comments. Before there were pay sharing websites, one of the great things about teaching was teachers' openness and willingness to share. I hope you continue that tradition. And thank you again.

  79. Thank you Nancy for loving teaching, loving teachers, and loving first graders enough to share all of your wonderful ideas! My class has loved many of the wonderful things that you have shared and we are so grateful for your cleverness and creativity and sharing the joy of being a first grade teacher and being a first grader! Checking your blog for colorful new ideas to inspire my students to greatness is one of my favorite things to do each day!

    Thanks again!

  80. Dear Nancy,
    Thank you so very much for creating such beautiful work...and SHARING! Your joy of teaching is so evident in all that you do! Every time I stop by, you inspire me!

    Thank you !

  81. Dear Nancy,
    Thank you so much for sharing your AMAZING ideas! I have been following faithfully this year and appreciate so much that you don't mind sharing your fantastic lessons! You are quite right, one of the best parts about teaching (before pay sites) was the willingness to share ideas within our profession. You are a true inspiration!

  82. Nancy,

    I can not express how your site has opened up a door of BEAUTIFUL teaching in my 1st grade class. I'm a first year teacher and I started the year off with no clue of what to do with my kiddos to keep their interest. Then I was blessed to find your site after discouraging resource after resource I came upon being for sale online. I'm sure it goes without saying that a first year teacher does not have all the financial resources to buy every single resource. Uugh...However, finding your site has give my classroom inspiration for learning. I just learned this week through standardized testing that my kiddos have leaped in their test scores since the beginning of year assessments. This proves that sharing resources is beneficial to our students, which are our future job holders and decision makers. There is no sharing that is too much (whatever that means) when a child's beautiful mind is the recipient.

    Thank you so much for all you have done from a distant to assist my classroom. You're heaven sent:-)

  83. You are my first "to go to" when i need ideas! Actually, I use your ideas daily! Honestly, I'm shocked that you DON'T charge for your ideas! Your ideas are amazing and better than most ideas on TPT! I have spent lots of money on TPT but don't need it anymore because of your generosity! Thank you so much for sharing. You are a remarkable person and teacher! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

  84. Thank you for all you share! I admire your generosity & love your ideas!!

  85. I have just found your blog and I am truly blown away! I am amazed at your fun, energetic ideas that I know your children must love. Just seeing some of them have given my some inspiration and excited me to try different activities in my classroom. I see so many beautiful resources and ideas. Thank you so much!

  86. I have also just found your blog and think it is amazing. You are a very talented person and also generous with your skills. I am glad to meet someone who is like me and shares for the joy that it can bring to a child. Please do not stop, you are a wonderful inspiration and I appreciate you.

  87. Oh my! I love your site! Not just for the freebies (although at our salary, any help is MUCH appreciated!), but for the wonderful ideas and inspiration. I want to be in your class! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome talents!

  88. Honestly, here's how I feel... my sister and I sell on tpt but I am not offended in the LEAST that you share your items for free. I have always been one to share my creations and ideas with folks free of charge and did so even after one of my co-workers actually took credit with our school district for some of my best creations. Since I am now a stay-at-home mom to two little ones, I sell on tpt for extra money. However, if you giving away your units is the difference between whether somebody else "makes" it on tpt, then they should probably find another way to make money. NOBODY has the right to make you feel bad for giving your things away. There is nowhere that it is written that you should have to pay to get quality products either. If you LOVE what you are doing, then KEEP doing it! I am of the mind that if I really like a product, I will buy it, but I am still ALWAYS looking for cute ideas and great stuff for free too! I think that people can do both. There is a market for people to buy things, especially when they find exactly what they are looking for, but we are teachers and we ALL love freebies too! So you keep doing your thing! I think it is fabulous! I wish more people still gave away all their creations, although I of all people, understand that you have to make a living. My philosophy is that you STILL give back, in abundance, even if you sell your wares too. Hope that was helpful and made you feel better about your situation...

  89. I LOVE all your freebies! I think that is what teaching is all about- sharing our wonderful ideas... you have a plethora of them! Thank you so much! Please don't stop spreading your wealth of goodness and work!

  90. I was just directed to your site a couple of days ago by a colleague. I am now addicted! I have spent a LOT of money on TpT as well but I am always looking for free stuff too (what teacher doesn't?) I don't think you should feel bad at all for sharing your ideas for free. It is your work and if you put it on TpT you could always make it a free item there as well. I wish I was as creative as you to be able to come up with this stuff :)

  91. You have an amazing site. This is the first time I seen it and my first thoughts were "Wow, this is the kind of teacher I would hope for my own kids." As a teacher I aspire to be a "master teacher" one day. Once in a very long time, I find a "MASTER to the Masters! You are most definitely one of them. You inspire and encourage us. Our goal is to be lifelong learners and to encourage that in our students and those we touch in our world. WELL DONE NANCY!

  92. There's been a lot of blogs lately talking about freebie size on TPT, which I sort of understand...the site owner is hosting the files and not making any money from them, but to tell someone not to offer freebies on their own site is ridiculous and none of that person's business! I do hope that person is reading these comments.Cheap LOL Boost
    elo boosting service

  93. You have a generous heart. You help so many people. You are the kind of person we want our children to grow up to be, the kind of person to have for a keep up your loving work and ignore the "Grinchy" people. You are a true blessing to those who teach and to those that care. Thank you for all you do. :-)

  94. I too also buy some things off of TPT, although this was the original idea of blogs, sharing ideas. As always someone figured out that they could make money, and that is great. I love that I can come to your blog see the wonderful activities in action. Please don't stop sharing!

  95. Thank you for sharing;)))))

  96. Nancy,
    I am so grateful for you! Your willingness to share is a gift to many and is truly appreciated.

  97. Hi there, I just discovered your posts posts and through them your wit & generosity. Don't listen to the Scrooge. There is room for everyone on the WWW. Thanks again for all the sharing that you do.


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