We had a "tree"mendous week learning, observing, investigating, celebrating everything tree! After reading a ton of literature, both fiction and nonfiction, about trees, we put our new learning to work. We combined our author study, poetry, and social studies unit on natural resources and created some great little poems about trees. Shel Silverstein has some great poems, "Treehouse," and "Man Eating Plant" and of course his beloved book "The Giving Tree" that we used as inspiration. We brainstormed all the things we get from trees, and created a free verse poem. We published them on a tree made from a crumpled brown lunch sack, and a tree crown made from green const. paper.
We also enjoyed working together with the sweet class next door to create a giant tree made out of magazines that would have probably ended up in the landfill. We rescued them and cut out all the green and brown that we could find. All the kids working together to create this collage was an added beneficial lesson!!
On Friday we celebrated trees by going outside, finding a great tree and taking a rubbing of it's bark. We discussed that a tree is a plant and the trunk is like the stem. The bark is the tree's protection as well as home to many animals. We should never peel the bark off a tree.
Two of my little cuties won trees in a drawing our environmental committee held on arbor day!!
What a "TREE"mendous week!! Hope you had one as well!!
Thanks for stopping by to take a little peek through our little window on wonder!!
Till next time!