Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Inches are a Cinch

Hello Everyone,
We've been working hard on our measurement unit in math. We have brainstormed many different ways to measure the length of things using nonstandard units of measurement. Now we are comparing those with standard units. Today we investigated the inch. We compared the differences between an inch ruler and some of the nonstandard units we have been using. Kiddos had fun measuring their feet and hands!
Our length measurement anchor chart

A mini unit includes these pages plus a poem, and a written expression component.

Or click here! :)

Thanks for stopping by today! Hope our ideas measure up!!! :)


  1. This looks great! I think I want to have students bring in and measure their stuffed animals.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  2. It looks like your little ones had fun with this unit! Thanks for sharing your ideas! I especially like your 6 inch ruler...easier for little hands to manipulate!

    Great {First Grade} Expectations

  3. I LOVE this! However, when I go to download it ways I have to pay for SCRIBD??? Any chance you can email it to me? Thanks!
    Amy Burton

  4. As always a great unit. Thank you for your hard work and willingness to share!

  5. Hey Nancy,
    Thank you so much for sharing your work! Lately I have been unable to print from google, it says that there are too many redirects.....any ideas? I love supplementing with your great ideas and am hoping to get back to them soon!

  6. Wow!! I'd love permission to share this at my summer workshops in New Orleans and Las Vegas. I'll be sure to give you credit if permission is given. Thanks in advance!! :)


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