Sunday, October 14, 2012

Stellaluna Saves the Day! (and the week!)

Hello Everyone!
I thought I'd go ahead and post a few things that we will be doing in my first grade classroom this coming week in case you needed a quick printable yourself! :)  We will be finishing up our study of the night sky with one of my favs, "Stellaluna!" There are soooo many activities out there to go along with this book, but I needed a few to go along with what we were working on in ELA and math. So, tah dah!  Here's a 17 page unit with a little bit of everything, math, ELA, and science. We are working on comparative language in math, text connections and fiction/nonfiction in reading,
 s blends in word work, and observing things in the night sky in science. I think I covered everything and then some in this unit.  Here are a couple of samples!

mystery picture

This packet contains poetry, greater than, less than, mystery picture, number order, reader's response cards, abc order, st words, listening activity, anatomy of bat, and more! for your free 17 page mini Stellaluna unit, click here.
Most things are in black and white so you won't break your color ink cartridge bank!! :)
I'll be back later with a craft connection!~!  Stay tuned!!
Thanks for stopping by today! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. Nancy-You work is amazing thanks so much for sharing all of your hard work. I would love to be in your classroom-it's clear to see that you put your heart and soul into teaching!
    Mary M.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this. We will be doing Stellaluna in our classroom the following week. Liz in South Dakota

  3. Thank you so much! Love this unit!! Again it will be perfect for the next weeks in my classroom. I wish I knew how to share the units that I am making as well.

  4. Thank you so much for this unit. It will go perfect when we study bats next week. We are your newest followers.

    Cindy and Angie

  5. As always, you are so kind and generous with your materials. Thanks so much. I love the find the pattern work!

    Granny Goes to School

  6. Thank you so much for sharing all of your great work! Your units are so amazing!

    Much thanks,


  7. Thank you very much for sharing this! It is a wonderful unit.

  8. Thank you for sharing your work! It's obvious that you put your heart into this! I just ran across your blog by accident last night and could not stop looking at all of your wonderful ideas! Thank you for sharing:)

  9. WOW is right! You are amazing! While looking for a picture of Splat the Cat, I found your blog and am your newest follower. I wish I had a tenth of your creativity. Thank you for making SO many Freebies! You are incredibly generous!

  10. Thanks a bunch for this! I will be using it next week!!
    Christy :)
    Mrs. Christy’s Leaping Loopers

  11. You are awesome!!! Thanks so much :)

  12. I really like the idea of your mini lesson, but I am unable to download it as a google doc. Do you think you would mine emailing it directly to me?

    1. Anonymous,
      Can you e-mail me your e-mail address? I would be happy to send you the unit! And anything else you need. Thanks!

  13. I love your ideas, but I can't seem to download the lessons either. Would you mind emailing it to It would be greatly appreciated!

  14. Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Thank you so much for sharing your hard work. Cecilia

  16. nice. very easy to use.

  17. Thanks! I'm sure besides myself, many homeschool teachers enjoy your work!

  18. I could not open your Stellaluna unit and it looks amazing! Could you please email it to me at

    Thanks so much!


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